Thursday, December 29, 2011

Floods and Ministry in Mindanao

It is December 20, just days before Christmas of 2011. Ethan and I have accompanied my parents to Iligan City, Mindanao, Philippines. We flew into Cagayan De Oro yesterday and then took a van the rest of the way. We are here to spend precious time with them while they are near. My Mom is now 74 and my Dad 72 and they are still going strong, full time in ministry. My Father was invited to preach the special sessions for the Lanao District Council Convention for the Philippine Assemblies of God.
This trip has been planned for many months but as of this past week-end, we weren’t sure if the ministry would continue due to the typhoon, heavy rains and the flash floods we were hearing about on the news Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Manila. The coordinator didn’t contact us and so we boarded the flight, not being certain that they would meet us at the airport, because all that we had was an E-mail address and no phone number.
In the newspaper on the flight, I saw that the number of confirmed dead in this area has now reached over 600 and the death toll is expected to exceed 1,000 because hundreds are yet missing. It was the wife of the District Superintendant who picked us up. We found that from their Church alone, 12 people are confirmed dead. The flash flood which took the lives hit at around 1am and swept entire homes and families away. We crossed the river on the way to Iligan, one which had swelled and overflowed to deadly levels. We saw flattened foliage, cars and trucks bashed, turned sideways and even upside down. Houses and business establishments were crumbled and destroyed for several kilometres. Mud is everywhere even on the highway miles away from the disaster zone. So much mud that vehicles are literally stuck like they have been cemented and doors of houses cannot be opened because the mud is more than half way up.
Many of the funeral homes and hospitals have stopped receiving bodies because they have no more facility or materials to treat the bodies. They have run out of chemicals. The bodies, since they are filled with muddy water are decaying so quickly that there is a fear that identification in many cases will be impossible. It’s sad, friends. Very very sad...
There were water trucks in Cagayan De Oro stopping in neighborhoods to provide fresh water to people waiting with plastic containers. Relief workers are arriving in groups of dozens and hundreds from all over the Philippines. The trip from Cagayan to Iligan which normally would take maybe 1 ½ hours took almost 4 hours because of the incredible amount of traffic.
But there are miracles! God is sovereign and He chooses what to do when people pray based on what is best according to the “big picture” that only He knows. One Church member had only ankle deep water in their home, but the rest of the homes around them had water beyond the first floor. It just doesn’t make sense! A Church which is in a low lying area and has been flooded repeatedly through the years is bone dry! Amazing! My favorite miracle I have heard so far saved the life of an 80+ year old woman.
She was on the roof of a neighbors 3 story house in one of the worst hit areas with many other people when the house was struck by a large tree in the flood. The house was in her words, “broken” and everyone was swept off into the mud and debris filled water... except for her. She called on the name of Jesus and as she spoke His name, her dress caught on something which held her in place until the flood waters subsided and she was safe. Awesome God!!!
The Philippine authorities have actually picked people up at sea who were swept out from rivers of flood waters. But for every one that survives, multiple dozens didn’t survive.
I am watching God move in these meetings in a spectacular way! We know that God moves when hearts are broken, open and hungry. Please pray not only for this current ministry, but for the Church in Iligan, Cagayan, Dumaguete and the other affected cities in Mindanao, Philippines. Rebuilding these lives is going to take much hard work, sacrifice, outside help and supernatural intervention. Our greatest prayer is towards the harvest! May God use this catastrophe in order to save lives for eternity! May His Church be mobilised in power, strength, determination and with compassion!
If you are led to donate to the victims of this catastrophe, we will funnel the funds directly and in full to the Churches that we personally know and work with in Iligan City. Please E-mail me for instructions on how to deliver the funds most rapidly depending on where you are.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Consolation Prize?

Jesus looked at His disciples and told them in front of a large crowd that they are blessed because they have made big sacrifices and that these sacrifices which are investments in God's Kingdom, cause them to inherit the blessings of God's Kingdom. Here is the scripture:

Luke 6:20b (NKJV) Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.

Jesus then addresses the crowd and tells them that if they haven't made sacrifices for God's Kingdom, then they have already received their blessing. In the New King James Version, we translate the word to "consolation" and in the NIV the same word is translated to "comfort." Here is the verse:

Luke 6:24 (NKJV) But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation.

We of course understand that when you receive your reward here on earth, that you cannot take it with you to heaven and it is temporary where as if you live your life to build rewards in heaven, that those rewards last forever. That is why Jesus said it is a "woe" if you get your comfort/consolation now. Because it is nothing compared to an eternal reward.

Have you ever received a "consolation prize?" Someone got a really cool prize and the 2nd and 3rd runners up got something made out of plastic? The root word of consolation is console. It means to comfort someone who has experienced loss. In terms of a prize, the lesser prize is purposed to comfort the ones who didn't get the major prize.

That is what earthly riches are likened to by Jesus. You could have had Kingdom prizes. You could have had eternal rewards. But because you chose to invest only in yourself and not in God's Kingdom, because you chose your own comfort and lived without sacrifice, you have settled for the consolation riches. Jesus said, woe to you.

Let us live our lives going for Kingdom prizes and not settle for woe-full consolation gifts. Enough said!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Worship at TFI Gateway Mall Cinema 2

What an amazing service at TFI Gateway yesterday!!! God is so awesome! Thank you worship team for allowing the Lord to use you so mightily!!
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Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner at Johnny Rockets - And Camp!

Ethan and I had dinner at Johnny Rockets for Thanksgiving (USA) on Friday because we missed celebrating on Thursday because we were at the Tabernacle of Faith Christian Academy Grade School Camp in a rural locale. We would have cooked a turkey, but we have no oven in our apartment :-). We would have gone to the home of any number of American Missionary Friends, but we were a day late. So we had chili burgers, chili dogs and milk shakes at a nostolgic American diner instead. It was great! Ethan had a blast putting 1 peso coins into the juke box and watching the wait staff occassionaly perform dance numbers to 50's/60's music.

Ethan was so happy after the camp. It was his first ever as he is now in grade 4 and the camp is for grades 4-6. We had wonderful guest speakers, Assembly of God missionaries Mark and Sarah Brown who along with their team shared in the first two sessions. They used props such as a parachute and a robot and even did a "shadow surgery" in which they removed "sinful" items from a patient behind a back-lit sheet. The kids not only loved it, but the illustrations are memorable. Then in the third session (Thursday night), I did not share my prepared message as worship (led by Leyl Bartoleme and Jay Aquino) took off in an amazing way. By the 4th song, kids were weeping before the Lord and by the 6th song we were in a full revival. It all started because there were songs about the Father and the kids who miss their earthly fathers due to seperation (there is no divorce in the Philippines), being work-a-holics, not showing them love, etc., began to forgive them and allow God to heal them of their pain. But it didn't stop there. Mothers, uncles, siblings, teachers, friends, enemies, they were forgiving them all and forgiving each other. The tears turned to joy and there was allot of hugging going on and then the worship flew because of high praise and a victorious celebration! So great and amazing!!

I didn't get a chance to write about the High School Camp a couple of weeks ago but it was equally amazing!! God moved as our guest, Carlo Victa (from San Diego and Baguio City) taught us God's Word and as worship (led by Leyl and Yash Bartolome) took off as well! The High School students are transformed and the difference is still obvious as I walk the hallways of the school even today. God is sooooo good!!!

We have much to be Thankful for. I am thankful for God's faithfulness not only in my life and in the lives of my family members, but also in the lives of my TFCA Family. The Students, the Teachers and the Staff. God is working guys and let us continue to keep our hearts sensitive before Him daily. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Hunger NOW, Cry NOW, Be FILLED

In the Beatitudes (Luke 6:20-23), Jesus twice says "now."

"Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh." (NKJV) - verse 21

So if you want to be filled with food and filled with laughter, it's not enough to have hungered and cried previously and it won't do you current good to plan on hungering or crying tomorrow or later today. You need to do it NOW.

I have been instructed by my doctor and dietitian to eat 6 small meals a day in order to keep my blood sugar levels more stable. This has changed my life drastically in many ways. Firstly, my metabolism has increased which has caused me to lose weight (in a good way) and my energy has increased. Secondly, if I eat too much at any given meal, I won't be hungry in time to eat again. Then I have to eat when I'm not hungry.

Eating when I'm not hungry is one of the least satisfying things that I do. I really don't like to do it but I have to do it. And so I have become good at not eating too much and I seldom eat junk food anymore. That way when it is time to eat, I have a hunger to satisfy which makes ingesting that food all the more pleasurable to me. Much more satisfying!

Sometimes we eat the Word of God out of habit, out of discipline, out of obligation even when we are not hungry and it isn't nearly as satisfying. I do believe that you should read God's Word every day no matter how you feel, but I also do believe that we are responsible for our own level of hunger by being purposeful about not filling our lives with "junk food"... the junk food of busy-ness, meaningless entertainment, so on and so forth.

I need to come to God hungry. I need to open God's Word hungry and eager to eat! And when I do that, His Word promises that I will be filled!

The greatest times of weeping that I have experienced have been when I become aware of my own sin, failures and weaknesses. My mistakes and my disobedience towards my God. The conviction which the Holy Spirit brings upon us is necessary and the results are beautiful. I pour my heart out to God, I come to Him appealing for mercy and He grants it and I end up feeling so great and filled with joy! It is awesome to be cleansed from my sins and cleared of all unrighteousness. There is nothing else like that!

So the question that I am posing today is this. Are you hungry NOW? Are you crying NOW? When you hunger, wait to eat from the table of the Lord and don't accept inferior food. When you cry, direct your tears towards the feet of Jesus the same way the sinful woman with the alabaster jar did when she washed His feet and ask Him to cleanse you of your sins. If you hunger NOW and weep NOW, you WILL be filled! You will be satisfied!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Faithful is My God!

I can't help but singing the old song "Great is Thy Faithfulness" right now!

I'm in the Pastoral office alone because it is Monday. Most Pastors take the day off but I am the Pastor on Call on Mondays for Tabernacle of Faith International's Gateway and San Juan locations and I also conduct the 6:30am Staff Devotions for the Tabernacle of Faith Christian Academy.

This week-end was marvelous ministry-wise, but it was desperate financially. I had loaned a person close to me everything that I had except for about $10 in my pocket on Thursday with the promise of repayment on Friday. He only needed it for one day. But Friday came, then Saturday came, then Sunday came and now Monday is here and not a peep, not a call back, not an email,,,, nothing. We have been eating creatively all week-end now... :-) I know some of you know what I'm talking about.

I did have a miracle of Friday, an amount deposited in my bank in Chicago and so I went to the ATM on Saturday morning to withdraw. But I couldn't get it. I went to the bank web site on my tablet and found that there is a 3 business day hold on the deposit. Okey... I call that a delayed miracle. But still no money. I couldn't even drive my car because the empty light is already on.

But then just today I find out that a former member of my Church who has moved overseas has "thought" (the Holy Spirit did that!) about me and sent me more than enough to get me through the week. At least until the other check clears and hopefully my good friend pays me back the one day loan!

I can't tell you how disappointed I was when I went to the ATM and found out the first miracle was delayed. I had to overcome my negative emotions and thoughts with radical praise and machine gun scripture quotation. But because the second miracle has arrived, it feels good knowing that the first miracle is still in the pipeline, right on God's perfect schedule! Great Is His Faithfulness!!!

Oh another song is coming now... "Why should I feel discouraged.... why should the shadows come... why should my heart feel lonely and long for heaven and home... when Jesus is my portion... a constant Friend is He... His eye is on the sparrow... and I know He watches me...

God gives us a steady supply of miracles. I call them sustaining miracles. I am so happy to be a part of God's Kingdom. His Kingdom has incredible benefits!

Let us continue to believe God even in our times of need.

1 Peter 5:6-7 (NKJV) "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you."

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Lord's Supper at Supper

Last night was a truly special experience for me here in Melbourne. I attended a dinner with Pst Yudah and his wife Anna at the home of two sisters, one 96 years old and the other 88. They have lived together for well over 60 years. The elder sister had been married (her husband is with the Lord now) and has raised 3 sons. The younger sister had chosen not to marry and had assisted her elder sister in raising the 3 boys. They now have numerous grandchildren.

They attend Melbourne Praise Center and have attended it long before it became Melbourne Praise Center, when it was simply known as the local congregation of one of the Churches of Christ, which it still is.

It was amazing listening to the stories of their adventures. They even went "caravaning" in Europe for 18 months back in the 70's! The wisdom and the sweet spirit was refreshing to me. But I heard the sadness in their voices and saw it in their eyes when they spoke of the spiritual condition of Australia. I'm sure that elderly Christians in America, Canada or in European countries feel much the same way. They kept talking about how they are praying for their nation, praying for their city, praying for their grandchildren and more... They talked about how appreciative they are that God brought this predominantly Indonesian congregation together with theirs. They are so grateful and they love their Indonesian Pastor and Church mates.

We partook of the Lord's Supper and had a time of prayer at the end of the evening. Pst Yudah and Anna have been visiting them regularly because they haven't been able to come to service for some time due to frail health. I wish that more Pastors and lay people would have the kind of committment that I see in Pst Yudah and Anna to be there not only for the current generation, but to still be there for the Saints who are continuing to pray in their later years as we fight for the advancement of the Kingdom of God together!

The Church is not only an army. It is a family. A beautiful family of brothers, sisters, kids, grandkids, grandpa's and grandma's. United in Christ with one Father. Let us cherish this blessed family and not let our love fail or grow faint.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I've been thinking much about shouting because I'll be speaking for a camp this coming weekend in Melbourne, Australia with the title, "SHOUT." The camp will be on Phillip Island and it's a bit cold here right now, the reverse of weather in the USA but it's great for me because I hardly ever get to experience the cold, living in Manila. I'm excited!!! (you can check out the location at

It's a big subject and I will be conducting four sessions, but I want to share a little with you on this blog today...

We shout for many reasons, much the same as people shouted in the Bible. For joy, for battle, for victory, to attract attention, to warn, to proclaim the coming of someone important, etc. But it is people who shout. God doesn't shout. God thunders, roars, rumbles and more but He doesn't shout. And we don't have to shout at God to get His attention as the pagans do (see 1 Kings 18:27). God is always ready to hear even the faintest whisper of a prayer! But we shout to Him anyway out of sheer excitement and in gratitude! Our shouting to Him in praise and in adoration actually draws the attention of others so that they might join us in great acclaim. If you know me, I'm all for making a loud noise in praise to God! Mostly to try and get people out of a religious disposition during a worship service...

And so we shout! We shout to you, at you and for you today! We shout towards mankind in order to warn them that they must come out of darkness and into the light before it is too late! We shout that we have good news! Healing is here, miracles are here, deliverence is here, salvation is here, Jesus is here!!! We shout because you don't have to live this way anymore... because there is freedom, liberty and hope in Jesus! We shout and we will not be silent!!!

We shout because you don't have to be lonely anymore! We shout because you don't need to be bored anymore! We shout because God has a great plan for you... an army with a purpose to join! We shout because we care... because we love you and because Jesus loves you!

Will you shout? Will you join your voice with ours and shout towards everyone you know, proclaiming that there is hope, freedom and life eternal available to them? Will you live your life outloud for Him? Will you shout to the Lord in victory and with thanksgiving?

Come let us sing for joy together, let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

JUDGMENT: Pressed Down, Shaken Together and Running Over..

Do you remember the catchy old Ron Kenoly song? "Give, it will come back to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and, running over..." It got our feet tappin' and our wallets open every time we sang it before we passed the offering basket around. (I'm talkin' the 80's guys, for those of you youngsters who have no idea what I'm talking about) After all, who doesn't want finances coming back to you, using the same measure in which you used to give, but pressed down, shaken together and running over into your lap!

But the primary context of the scripture used for this song is not correct. The principle is fine to apply to taking an offering, because it is the principle of sowing and reaping which has to do with giving and receiving financial blessings. But personally, I'm a stickler when it comes to using scripture in context. In other words, I won't use that scripture or allow my worship team to sing that song when it comes to taking an offering. (On a side note to be discussed further down, even though I don't allow it in my Church, I don't judge others who do it in their Churches because it is not heresy. I'll even give when the basket comes around.)

Why not, you ask? Because the primary principle in the scripture is too important for us to understand to use it in any other way. It refers firstly to judgment.

Let's take a look:

Luke 6:36-38 (NIV)
"Be merciful just as your Father is merciful. Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Okay so giving is there. But giving what? Judgment, condemnation, mercy and forgiveness. Examples both to the positive and to the negative. Can we apply this to finances? Yes. But I recommend that you please find a different verse to use that is in primary context.

This is interesting though. Many times I have wondered, what is the open window? How is the enemy getting in, either to my life or to the life of the person I'm trying to help. We blame the devil and everything else, when the answer often is simply that we have been merciless or judgmental to someone else and now God is pouring it back into our laps, using the same measurement that we gave it with, only pressed down, shaken together and running over. If you judged someone a little bit, you are getting much more right back in your face. Not from the enemy, but from God.

Whoa! Remember some other scriptures that speak of pride? The idea is that God is with the humble, but He is the enemy of the proud. Jesus said He judges no one. Paul said not to judge, to wait until the end which is when Christ returns. Yet we do it all the time and we think we are under a generational curse or something when the cause of it all is simpler than that. It is condescending, condemning, gossipy, competitive judgement of other people.

It could be as simple as making fun of somebodies accent, economic status, car, home, education or mannerisms.

Or it could be something more, shall we say "religious." Scientists tell us that we are made mostly of water. But I believe we are made mostly of opinions. When someone believes differently than we do, we often judge.

I'm not talking about the non-negotiables. We all know that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and that nobody can enter into eternity with the Father except through Him. People who don't trust Jesus for their salvation exclusively, are not heading for heaven, but rather, they are heading for eternal destruction and it has nothing to do with how good or how bad they are.

What I am talking about are the legalistic things. Do you judge someone who drinks? I hope not! Should you drink? I don't. I don't think it's wise, but I'm not going to be more strict with others than what the Bible is. The Bible says not to get drunk. It doesn't say you can't drink. What about wearing a bikini? Do you think someone who wears a bikini is going to make it to heaven or not? Hey don't laugh. I just had this conversation with someone the other day. Seriously. Being a Pastor has it's moments. The Bible says to be modest. Is there such a thing as a modest bikini? I have personally seen many two piece women's swim suits that are more modest than many of the one piece suits I have seen. The thing is that we can all be very legalistic and religious in our thinking. What about tattoo's, movies, going to bowling alley's (my Grandmother would roll over in her grave!), etc. etc. etc.

I was in a country in Eastern Europe and the prevailing thought in the Church is this. If you wear gold jewelry, you are in the same category as a prostitute. If you wear silver jewelry, you are saved, but barely. If you don't wear jewelry at all, except maybe a wooden carving of the cross, you are a solid and strong believer in Christ. Wow! They also think that youth should not jump during worship because it's demonic.

I'm not trying to define or defend what is right or what is wrong when it comes to styles. I went to a Christian school as a kid that didn't allow us to part our hair in the middle because that was "worldy." My goodness! They also didn't let us listen to the Christian Rock Band "Petra" because they were Spirit filled and some of the folks thought that the Holy Spirit stopped working on the earth generations ago. They thought we were delusional or possessed. :-)

For those of us who have chosen to do some things that others have not and you believe that you are right before God, go ahead. But just remember that you are supposed to choose to not dress in a way that offends others and you aren't supposed to drink your mojito around people who would be offended, no matter how silly it is that they would be so torn up about it.

But for those of us who struggle with judging others, a group that often includes me. Let us take ahold of the Word of God, stop blaming the devil for our disasters and realize that when we judge, we receive judgment and we are simply reaping what we have sown. Our lives will immediately improve if we allow the Lord to change our attitudes and put our words into check.

Don't judge, or you will be judged.

Monday, July 18, 2011

50 peso's of Hope

I have been on my knees praying for resources.. We have all been on our knees here in the Philippines praying for resources. These are financially trying times for sure. But I found out something the other day that gave me amazing hope and perspective in midst of my fleshly panic storm. Someone has been sending 50 peso's a month to my cellular phone provider towards my bill. Now 50 peso's may not seem like much to you, it is a little more than one US$. But here in the Philippines, many people work 3 hours to make that dollar. If you live in America and make a very typical $20 per hour, that would be the equivelant of a $60 monthly donation. If the Spirit of God moves on someone to give a "widow's mite" (see Luke 21:2), then I know He is working in other hearts as well. He said that He would never leave us nor forsake us. One wise proverb explains that "God is seldom early, but He is always on time." Amen!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fire Update - Miracle upon Miracle!

The fire at TFI San Juan/Tabernacle of Faith Christian Academy was a major event. It was all over the local news, there were several Youtube vids and it has been the talk of the town. We thank God that He spared the 1st and 2nd floors which are the primary areas of the school. Only the Sanctuary (3rd floor) and the Mezzanine (sort of a 4th floor) are destroyed by the fire.

We have been awaiting findings from professionals about the structural integrity of the building and we have been told by the independent Structural Engineer that the structure is in good condition. We of course will proceed with a complete retro-fitting along with the reconstruction of the Sanctuary and Mezzanine floor. The Fire Department has given us initial clearance to resume classes and we plan to do this on Thursday as long as clean up has progressed well enough by then. It's looking good!

The plan as of now is that construction will take place only when school is not in session, this for the safety of our students. For example, if everyone is out of the building by 4pm every day, then construction begins at 4pm and goes into the wee hours of the morning.

If this plan turns out to be viable, then this eliminates the need to rent or purchase an additional site, which we have no budget for. This is a majorly great thing! :-) God is putting all the pieces together and because we have such an awesome workforce of teachers, admin and staff, and because we have amazingly supportive students and parents, I can see that everything is going to be great! Genesis 50:20 tells us that what the enemy means for harm, God intends for our good and the saving of many lives. The vision of TFCA is to raise up leaders who will affect society for the glory of God! The enemy cannot stop an entity with this kind of vision! Amen!

What we need is financial help. Though the building is insured, all items inside such as sound system, chairs, air conditioning, carpentry and such are not. This is long term help. But we also need short term help in the expenses for clean up, supplies, extra labor, damaged learning resources and electronics, etc. In the short run, we need about US$20k. In the long term (6 months to 1 year), the estimate will likely exceed US$100k, though it is impossible to get an exact figure at the moment.

If you are so led to make a donation, please E-mail me at to receive the details on how to do this. We have a peso bank account specifically set up to receive donations for this project in the name of TFCA at MetroBank in the Philippines that you can directly deposit to. You can send to Global Evangelistic Ministries (GEM) through the mail in the United States and receive a tax deductible receipt from them. You can direct deposit into my account at any Chase Bank nation wide in the USA and TFCA will issue you a receipt in peso equivalent. You can also use Western Union, Money Gram or Xoom.

But even more importantly, we need prayer. Prayer for favor with city, insurance company, construction professionals, suppliers, finances and strength. For continued favor and an encouraged spirit and positive disposition in everyone involved.

Thank you everyone!! More miracles are on their way for sure!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pics of TFCA after last nights fire.. click the thumb nail to go to the link

After Fire TFCA 2011-06-24

Tabernacle of Faith Christian Academy at 151 J Ruiz Street in San Juan, Metro Manila, also the home of Tabernacle of Faith International caught fire last night. The Sanctuary has been completely burned as has been the mezzanine level. We are awaiting testing by structural engineers to learn about our options. Thank you for your prayers! God has a great plan!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Prophecy is Important

I received a message quoting a pophetic word I had delivered a few weeks earlier at a Church in the USA. The word I had delivered to a young man during the service was "get close to God because you are going to face a life or death situation."

This was a prophetic encouragement to come close to God and it was also a prophetic warning of danger. Oh how I wish I could have spoken it with more clarity. Maybe I could have said, "son, you need to get right with God because you are going to die in a few weeks." The reason why I wish I could have done that is because they buried him just a few days ago.

Hind sight is 20/20 but prophecy is not. The Bible says that we all see in part and we all prophesy in part (1 Corinthians 13:9). Sometimes it is more direct, it contains more information than at other times, but we can only be faithful to speak what we are seeing or hearing in the spiritual realm. And we must especially be careful not to speak more than what we are perceiving. The Bible also tells us that God does nothing without first alerting His prophets (Amos 3:7). Nothing means not ever. God is faithful to warn. He is so merciful and kind even though His judgments are sure.

Maybe it wasn't a sure thing that this young man was going to die? I don't know. All that I do know is that I saw that he had better be ready because there was going to be a situation in which life or death were possible. And I do know that he was warned. Did he heed the warning? Did he get right with God? Did he stick to it? I don't know. My hope is that I will meet him in glory on the day that I arrive there. I hope it, though I don't pray it because his destiny has been set. The moment of death is the moment in which eternity is solidified for you. Nobody can pray you to a place that you are not already headed once you pass that point.

My main point in this discussion is that to prophesy, to warn is very important. The Bible tells us that if a watchman does not give warning, that the blood of those who are lost as a result will be upon that watchman himself (Ezekiel 3). We will be held accountable if we do not warn. Now I must insert this thought that I believe this does not only apply when giving or not giving prophetic messages. I believe this also applies in any situation where we should have given proper Bible instruction, even to our families but we did not.

For the Church that I Pastor, TFI Gateway, I am being stirred by God to raise up a Prophetic People, a Fiery Force who are God's instruments... His messengers who can receive and deliver specific messages from Him. Because Prophecy is Important!

1 Corinthians 12:31 encourages us to eagerly desire the greater gifts. That doesn't mean that some gifts are greater than others, but it means we need to desire more and more powerful giftings in our lives. Go for it my friend!! Become a mouth piece for God! Prophesy! Warn! Exhort! Encourage! Somebody's life may depend on it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

EMpower not OVERpower

At Tabernacle of Faith International (TFI) in the Philippines, we recently conducted our annual Missions Convention. This is a time in which we gather all of our Pastors from around the Philippines and invite those from all congregations who are able to attend, for a week of inspiration, training, strategy and testimonies. It is wonderful when delegates from multiple congregations gather together. The Lord moved powerfully!

We also conducted a Teachers Retreat prior to this Missions Convention in which all of the incoming teachers for the Tabernacle of Faith Christian Academy (TFCA) meet at a camp site in order to unite, prepare, strategize and be inspired for the upcoming school year. School for TFCA started on June 14. It was also a powerful time in the Lord!

In both events, the unity I saw has given me an incredible amount of expectation that greater things are in store for both the school and for the Churches. We know from scripture and from practice that unity lends space for God to dwell among us! The theme for both the Convention and the Retreat was "Unity and Accountability," and we used the wonderful book written by Tommy Tenney, "God's Dream Team" as our main reference.

One of the main points which touched many of us is the fact that in order for there to be unity within a group of people, every individual must first acheive something that Tenney describes as "Individual Unity" or Personal Unity. Another way of saying this is that to accomplish peace in a group, the individuals coming together must first be at peace within themselves. Those that the scriptures call "double-minded" (James1:8) are not unified within themselves and therefore cannot be unified with anyone else since they are unstable in all that they do.

Another point is that to be unified in any group including a family, we must learn to never OVERPOWER people, but instead to EMPOWER them. Easier said than done, especially for those of us who like to move quickly (lack patience).

I remember a great lesson which my Mother taught me many years ago. I was a new Father and busy. My son Chad was in his asking "why" stage of life. Anything that I told him, he would respond with "why." It was driving me crazy and I even felt like it was disrespectful. I got to the point that I was telling him things like, "Because I am your Father and I told you so!" I was overpowering him. My Mom saw this and said, "Hunny, everybody deserves to know WHY you are telling them to do something." This includes kids, spouses, employees, co-workers, Church members... everyone that you work with. Knowledge EMpowers while bossing people around without explanation OVERpowers.

We must empower one another in all arena's of life in order to acheive peace, effectiveness and unity. Ephesians 6:4 encourages Fathers to not frustrate their Children, but instead to raise them up by training and instruction in the Lord. What a slam on us Parents who struggle with getting frustrated by our Children. The Word turns it around on us and tells us to not frustrate our Children. Wow! The Bible also tells us several times that without knowledge or understanding, people perish.

My prayer for myself and I would encourage you to make for yourself is this. "Father, help me to never overpower anyone in my life, but instead, to empower them through clear communication with a spirit of love, with respect and in unity." Amen!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Child Like" Faith

I was on a small plane for a short flight recently when we were hit with violent turbulence. I felt like I was in a toy plane being tossed about in a hurricane. All of the adults were white knuckled with intense looks on their faces. A little girl about 4 years old sat across the aisle from me with a look of glee on her face. She grabbed her seatbelt like they were reigns to a bucking bronco and began to shriek with reckless delight as she rode the waves. It was better to her than a trip to Six Flags or Disney. What a great example of what it means to have Faith Like a Child. Not only to know that Jesus will see us through the storm, but as much as is possible, to actually enjoy the storm as well. So I decided right then and there, no matter what is going on, to grab the reigns, put a smile on my face and let out a good "yee-ha!" Come on everybody! Jesus is in full control!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Gary Wilkerson interview

This is an interview with Gary Wilkerson back in 1985 which I think lends really great insight to ministry. He is the son of David Wilkerson. The source link is

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Having a Part with Jesus

I am truly enjoying Easter! As usual... The scriptures are familiar, the story never changes, it would seem that we would get bored but I never do. Instead, I as well as billions of people around the world during this time am reminded of the single most important event ever in the history of the world. Not the death of Jesus Christ but His resurrection!! He is ALIVE!!!

This year I am focused on the fact that with only a few hours left before Jesus was arrested, He spent time doing those last minute things which He knew would be most important. With days to go, He cleansed the temple. With hours to go, He washed the feet of His disciples.

John 13 tells us that Jesus, knowing that God had put all things under His power and knowing that He had come from God and was returning to God got up from the meal, removed His cloak, put on a servants apron and began to wash the feet of His disciples. Verse 1 explains that Jesus was about to show them the full extent (full measure) of His love. Some versions say that He "loved them to the end."

Peter didn't react well and told Jesus that he would never allow Him to wash his feet. I'm glad that Peter did this so that we could get the explanation from Jesus. Jesus said, "unless I wash you, you have no part with me." (NIV vs. 8b) Peter further reacted and asked Jesus to then wash his hands and head as well, but Jesus further explained that it is not necessary to wash in full, someone who is already clean.

I have had my feet washed in a public ceremony and I find it very uncomfortable. Once, it was by a Pastor who I respected very much who was senior to me. How much more uncomfortable would it be if it were Jesus Himself?!

Receiving ministry from Jesus has never been comfortable for me. Responding to an altar call in a Church, being gently (or harshly) rebuked by a friend who was sent by God, confronting my wrong attitudes and sin during times of prayer... All very uncomfortable! I don't enjoy it at all!! I don't like it when it is in private and I don't like it even more when it is in a public setting.

But I need it. Jesus said that unless I allow Him to wash my feet, that I have no part with Him. Wow. Oh my!! He told the disciples after He had cleansed their feet that they should wash one another's feet. That they should conduct ministry to one another. But they could not do that unless they had first had their own feet washed by Jesus.

For a ministry person, ministering to others is much easier than receiving ministry. And that is one of the pitfalls we must avoid at all cost. Otherwise, His blessing will not be on our efforts and we will have no part with Him, possibly even to the point of losing our place in eternity.

You cannot wash someone's feet who is not willing. We must submit ourselves to His cleansing process, even though we like Peter, are already washed and clean. And the hardest one is that we must take the time. They only had hours left... There is always something very important on our plate... But Jesus showed them that there is nothing as important as an intimate cleansing from Him.

Let us submit ourselves to Him and allow Him to minister to us intimately. Even if it is through the ministry of another person that He sends. Then we will be able to Have a Part with Him and we will be able to do the same for Him in the lives of other people.

Have an amazing Easter everybody!!

Melbourne Praise Centre

One more post about the Melbourne Praise Centre. I've been away from that wonderful group of people including Pst Yudah Soetopo and his family now for a few weeks and I keep thinking about them. God is moving in their midst in a truly amazing and gracious way! They are awesome people... Awesome in the Lord! If ever you get a chance to go to Melbourne, or better yet if you are living in Melbourne and don't have a Church home, get in touch with them. You will be blessed! Their Church web site is

Friday, April 1, 2011

Melbourne Praise Center!

I'm in Melbourne, Australia with the Melbourne Praise Center for two Sundays, the primary reason was for a camp this last week-end but also for a variety of other engagements ranging from a leaders meeting to home meetings and then finally a Sunday service for their City Congregation this coming Sunday. Tonight we had a combined cell ministry service and on Saturday we will have an evangelistic service. Exciting and awesome!!!

Tonight I met a young lady at the service who is now living in Melbourne who was previously at a Church I ministered at in Indonesia, I'm thinking about 4 years ago. She reminded me of how I had spent 15 minutes ministering to her specifically to help her to forgive her brother. I remembered it and how she had been a particularly difficult case but had finally received a breakthrough. She then introduced me to him tonight and hugged him, saying that she love's him so much! She encouraged me to keep ministering because I don't know what the results are going to be. I needed to hear that tonight.

With that, I want us all to be encouraged that even when we spend a few minutes with someone, we never know how life changing it can be. The greatest investment that we can make in someone's life is to take the time to pray with them and stand in the gap for them in their time of need. God always wins, and we need to enforce His victory in prayer.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Follow to Lead

Sometimes, We must Follow to Lead

I was walking with my 9 year old son Ethan on a very busy street with no sidewalk and huge trucks zipping along. It was actually pretty scary. We had to go single file but I did not want him to follow me because of the danger. I put him in front of me and walked him along with my hands on his shoulders while keeping a watchful eye on the situation. I led him by following him. The Lord spoke to my heart at that time, “This is how you must lead people so that they will learn how to become leaders themselves.”

With all three of my sons, I have coached them in sports. As I have taught them how to swing a bat or a club, often, I have stood behind them, showing them the best placement of arms, hips, best stance, etc. Again, standing behind them to lead.

At Church on Sunday, a dear woman came up to me and said, “Pastor Steve, the Lord told me to tell you, that if you want to lead these people, that you must follow them to lead them.” She had no idea what she was telling me. She could not have possibly known about my experience on the road with Ethan just days before.

Athletic teams often have coaches and team captains. The team captain is a player who is in leadership, but he is submitted to the coach and cannot actually do the job of the coach. Sometimes in ministry, people who are supposed to be coaches end up being more like team captains, spending so much time doing the work, that never coach anyone, never train leaders. The Apostle Paul explained in the Bible that the more senior leaders of the Church are called to train the people for works of service.

I admit that one of the hardest things for me to do is to delegate. To allow less experienced people to do too much. Partially because I am somewhat a perfectionist and also because it is usually less bothersome to simply do things myself.

And so I humbly receive this correction from the Lord. I am determined to do more leading by following. How about you?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Season of Cleansing and Growth

Yesterday evening was amazing! We baptized two precious people at a Life Group in a community swimming pool! Awesome! The Life Group is a new one held every Thursday night in the Valley Verde area of Pasig, Metro Manila. Please let me know if you are interested in joining. The group runs just over 10 people, mostly consisting of people who know nothing about the Bible. They come from a tradition where they attended a service but were not trained to read or think for themselves. It is very basic and powerful. Most of our other Life Groups held throughout the week get deeper because the attendees are seasoned Christians. Whatever your need, we can place you in just the right environment. Contact me directly at or on Facebook using the same Email address to look me up.

We have also been cleaning out closets as a Church, burning relics and idols and all kinds of related activities. The past month has consisted of messages and prayer times focused on making our lives as pure and pleasing to God as possible, which includes getting rid of all the physical things and the attitudes that hinder us.

It is amazing what God is doing and I would encourage all of my readers to do the same thing. There is a song entitled "Pleasing to You" by Jared Anderson which has been instrumental in this process for us as a Church which I would like to share with you. Click on the link below to view it on YouTube with the words.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Paul's Encourager

2 Corinthians is loaded with scriptures which point to Titus as one who greatly encouraged Paul. Of course we know that Paul appointed him as a Pastor, sent him on journey's, considered him a Brother as well as a Spiritual Son and wrote a letter to him which is now an important Pastoral Epistle. One of these scriptures recently hit me square between the eyes.

2 Corinthians 2:12-13 (NIV)
"12 Now when I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me, 13 I still had no peace of mind, because I did not find my brother Titus there. So I said goodbye to them and went on to Macedonia."

It is obvious that Paul was in need of encouragement and he intended to receive it from Titus. It seems he was expecting to find Titus in Troas. I don't know what was going in in Paul's life that he would be this desperate for encouragement from a specific guy, but I do know that I can relate. There have been times that I needed to seek out a particular individual that I knew was "the one" to encourage me. I have even taken a flight to get to a specific person in my time of need. Paul needed, as the scripture reveals, "peace of mind."

He then gives us an incredible insight. Even though God had opened a door for powerful and effective, needed ministry for him in Troas, he said goodbye to them and went on to Macedonia. Amazing! Paul left a place where God had opened a door. Now we could split hairs about the difference between an "open door" and being "called" to a place, but let us remember that there are no accidents in God. Paul showed up in Troas because God led him there. Maybe he was able to accomplish his task quickly and was released to move on, but the bottom line is that he moved on for the purpose of finding Titus so that he could gain "peace of mind" through Titus's ministry of encouragement to him.

What an amazing example that Paul set's for us that when we need to be refreshed, that we had better do whatever it takes to get to a refresher. And what an awesome example of an encourager that Titus is to us. I wish I could get with him now! He must have been an amazing man of God!

I could teach a 12 part series here but I won't. If this topic grabs your attention, get your concordance out and go for it. Look for the name Titus. You will be amazed at the wealth of insight about what it means to be an great encourager you will find as Paul describes his relationship with Titus in the scriptures.

But I do want to say one thing which will be my main and ending point. Believers all have the same Spirit inside of us and we are all anointed of the Lord. The potential is there for us to be amazing encourager's one to another. But very few really are.

You could be so empowered by God, so filled with His word to the brim that your face literally glows and miracles flow from your hands. But if you enter a room with a frown on your face or with your spirit in a bad place (you could say with a wrong attitude), you WILL drag everyone in that room down into your pit with you. You must choose to overcome your emotions, circumstances and difficulties. You must choose to rise up and encourage someone else in spite of the way you feel. You must choose to smile, touch, be excited and faith filled. But it has to be genuine. You must lay your burdens at the feet of Jesus before you can encourage someone else. But if you will get your attitude right and will work with the Holy Spirit who the Bible declares works mightily within you, maybe you will become the kind of encourager Titus was to Paul. Just maybe, we don't have many like Paul today because we don't have many like Titus today.?.? Let's change that starting with ourselves!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Not a beggar but a Barber

I saw on the streets of Manila, something that is an unusual site, even for the Philippines. A man was cutting hair on the sidewalk. He only had a stool, comb, scissors and towel but he had a line of 3 people waiting. The cardboard sign attached to the stool advertised 20 pesos. That's under 50 cents in US currency. A haircut in a mall runs about 4 dollars and in a street side shop, maybe a dollar plus. But I love the attitude of this man. No job, no shop, no capital, but he found a way to work and not to beg. Maybe some of his customers are beggars? Could be! But I love it! May more people develop a "can do" attitude like his!

I'm reminded that God does not respond to prayerful begging either. God responds to faith. I was given a prophetic word many years ago in which God told me that "...because you haven't begged, because you have stood firm in faith, I will release blessing in your life and ministry." It started to happen the very next day.

I'll break one of my own rules here and use this Cliche: If you want to be on the "cutting edge" of what God is doing, then don't beg. Instead, do something with what God has placed in your hands.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

don't be Half Cooked

Psalm 66:10-12 explains that God allows us to be tested as silver and that among other things, we are brought through fire and water. This is a similar thought to the instructions that God gave the Israelites in Numbers 31. After they had returned from battle, they were to pass everything that could be passed through fire, literally through fire in order to purify it. Everything else which could not withstand fire had to be passed through water in order to be purified. Even the returning soldiers clothes had to be washed before they could re-join the camp. Passing something either through fire or water in ceremonial terms is a purification process which in life terms as the Psalmist explained is akin to passing through challenges and tribulations.

We want our hearts purified and we want to become like pure gold with the dross (impurities) drawn to the surface and removed, but there is a process and the process must be completed. The key word is "through" and the implication is all the way through.

The first time I saw an oven with a conveyor belt, I believe was at a Burger King. They put the raw burger on the belt at the front of the oven and it came off the back perfectly cooked every time. Nobody sticks a spatula in there to remove one before it's done, er, unless something breaks. I have seen similar ovens for pizza and many other kinds of food. In essence, the item being cooked is being passed through the fire.

Back before conveyor belt ovens or ovens with heat on both top and bottom, the only way to fully cook an item was to flip it, to turn it. In our homes, we use pans. In more primitive times, hot rocks were often used.

Hosea 7:8 (NIV) remarks of a rebellious Ephraim (tribe of Israel), “Ephraim mixes with the nations; Ephraim is a flat loaf not turned over."

Verse 11 of the same chapter says that Ephraim is like a senseless dove that is easily deceived. How many could it be said of in the Church today that because they mix with outside influences, because they have not been adequately purified, because they are like Ephraim, half cooked, are so easily deceived? I don't know the stats but I know it is many. I know it has been me on many an occasion.

How often I have run away from the process, the purifying, avoided the storm rather than going through it? Too many times to count! There is comes again! The same test that I didn't take the last time. And I want to advance? There is no advancement until this levels exams have been passed. Verse 9 states that Ephraim's hair is turning gray but he doesn't even realize it. Nobody enjoys being the oldest in the class!

Jesus wants us to become like him. He is Bread for the hungry and Water for the thirsty. When non believers come into contact with us, we should be as refreshing for them as a meal of pancakes and milk would be in the morning for a weary traveler who has arrived at their destination in the morning. But if we are not turned, only half cooked, then that non believer will be put off at best. They will leave our table muttering something about hypocrites because we claim to be something wonderful, a Christian, but in reality we are as inedible as a pancake not turned.

I was anticipating a dinner of b-b-q ribs several years back. When it was almost time for dinner, a large platter of ribs lathered in rich sauce was brought in from the patio and the house was filled with the wonderful aroma! "I want my baby back baby back baby back..." (if you don't get that part, don't worry about it) My mouth was exploding... I hadn't eaten and I was HUNGRY. I grabbed a rib and took a bite but I stopped mid bite. My mouth filled with blood and the temperature nearer to the bone was cold. Um... It wasn't sushi and it was pork... Not good!

I was severely disappointed because even though the cook tried to rectify the situation, it just didn't turn out the way it should have. I ate a hot dog instead and even went through a McDonalds drive through later.

I had been deceived by the reputation, the look and the smell. I had been offered a half cooked helping of ribs. Upon investigation, I found that the ribs had been put on the grill almost straight from the freezer. The cook had been running late..

As Christians, we need to make sure we have gone through God's purifying processes, eliminated the foreign elements in our lives by allowing them to be burned out. No longer avoiding conflicts, trials and challenges, but rather, willingly going through them with God's help. In America, we often hear it said, "don't jump from the frying pan into the fire." In other words, no matter how hot it gets, trust that the Lord your Great Cook will not allow you to over cook but that you will always come out just right. Tried in the fire and purified like Gold.

This is where I ask myself and hopefully you also ask yourself what areas in your life may be half cooked. In what ways are we no different than non believers? What are the flaws that we have failed to submit to the Lord to transform from weaknesses into strengths?

Pray with me? Father, may your Holy Spirit search us now and may we be open to see and hear about and improve in every area that we fall short. Cook me to perfection in the fires of this life so that I may enter into eternal glory with you and bring many with me who taste and see that You are good through my life devoted to You. Amen!