Friday, August 14, 2009

ready to launch IDEAchurch in manila in 2 days

I apologize for the length of time between posts this month? It has been a busy move to Manila from Jakarta by way of Chicago!

We are launching the first service of a new gathering which we are calling IDEAchurch this coming Sunday evening, August 16 at 6pm! For those of you in the Philippines, we are at the Mandarin Oriental Suites in Gateway Mall Cubao. An awesome location that many can get to even by train! The service will go 90 minutes and feature artistic expression and multi-media and is definitely an event you will want to bring your pre-believer friends to. They will be touched for sure!

Our initial web-site has more information. I'm a writer and not an artist and am looking forward to handing over the web-site to our newly formed team in the next couple of weeks, but what is there will work for now... :-)

For those of you who don't have the time to go to the web-site and are curious, IDEA stands for Intentional, Discipleship, Evangelism and Arts. We will be Intentionally making Disciples and Evangelizing in creative ways, expressing who we are in Christ with heavy emphasis on the Arts. What are Arts? Most of you have a Bachelor of Arts degree yes? Arts are basically anything that you do in life which require you to perfect a talent or a skill.

For Pastor Joy, it's mostly musical. For me, it is the communication arts. Frankly, I would personally not want to even listen to a sermon that is not being delivered by a serious person who understands that they need to be an anointed artist to turn hearts to God. But that's my opinion... What is your art and how are you using it for God to go and make disciples??? You get the IDEA.

But it's not just a Church for artists who already have an IDEA of what they can do with God... It's also a Church for those who have NO IDEA... to come and be inspired and to experience the beauty and the presence of Jesus as we facilitate holy moments that He will use.

Some have asked who our target audience is. After quite a bit of thought, I'll put it this way... IDEAchurch is for people who are BORED with church as usual. Or even for people who have been burned in church. We want to raise up a Church that this new generation would be enthusiastic about bringing their friends to. You know, the ones that they brought to other churches stuck in the past that they never came a second time to?

Based on what I just wrote, you can tell that the warfare is going to be intense and we need your prayers! Thanks in advance and may God bless you in amazing ways!!!