Monday, July 18, 2011

50 peso's of Hope

I have been on my knees praying for resources.. We have all been on our knees here in the Philippines praying for resources. These are financially trying times for sure. But I found out something the other day that gave me amazing hope and perspective in midst of my fleshly panic storm. Someone has been sending 50 peso's a month to my cellular phone provider towards my bill. Now 50 peso's may not seem like much to you, it is a little more than one US$. But here in the Philippines, many people work 3 hours to make that dollar. If you live in America and make a very typical $20 per hour, that would be the equivelant of a $60 monthly donation. If the Spirit of God moves on someone to give a "widow's mite" (see Luke 21:2), then I know He is working in other hearts as well. He said that He would never leave us nor forsake us. One wise proverb explains that "God is seldom early, but He is always on time." Amen!