Saturday, December 14, 2013

Snake Attack!!

The first attack that came upon mankind was through a slithering serpent.  This of course has given these creatures a bad reputation and snakes have done little to help their own reputation as they do tend to bite people and sometimes kill them.  And so in the prophetic realm, I have not often heard an analogy of a snake used to the positive. They are usually negative, very negative pictures of attacks, temptations, spirits and more.

I used to be a pastor of a church which had many people who had migrated to America from Africa.  In that church, I heard visions and prophetic words on a regular basis about snakes and the ultimate thing that you didn't want was for a snake to bite you.  This was probably the case because many in the congregation had at one time in their lives lived with the very real possibility of being bitten by actual snakes. 

One example was of a member who received a word from a visiting pastor from Ghana which said, if you go out from under the umbrella of the covering of this church, the snake will bite you.  That guy proceeded to leave the church and what happened in his life certainly could be associated to the analogy of being bitten by a snake.  But he did recover.  I think that having received that word in advance, even though he went against it, helped him to ultimately recover.  God never does anything without first alerting some of His prophets.  (Amos 3:7)  So awesome!

The reason for this article is that I want to share with you some recent insights I have experienced in my own life as I have literally been bombarded (in a good way) with prophetic messages from many different sources about snakes attacking me and my household.

The first one came a few weeks ago that there is a green snake with a red ruby on its forehead and it is very angry at me.  It is gossiping and lying about me.  The reason is because in the past, when it has tried to get me, I overcame the attack, killed it, and lifted up its skin to expose it to the world for what it really is.  Of course not everyone chooses to see the truth, but at least the lies of the enemy are exposed for those who love the truth and are not blinded by their own ideas.

So the green to me meant, "green with envy", anger, etc.  The red ruby on the forehead meant something precious that is designed to entice me to reach for it.  If I would come out from the covering of God to reach for whatever that represents, I would be bitten.

A week and a half later, I was in a car accident in which the driver unwisely went through a light.  It was not technically his fault, but if I had been driving, I wouldn't have gone.  It was as if he was reaching for the red ruby on the green snake.  The red light.  The result was that we were hit by a van and a car.  The most serious impact was at the back door where I was sitting.  And so the word of warning was accurate.  Because the driver reached for something that he shouldn't have reached for, going through a light turning red, the enemy was able to try and kill me.  And he might have if God had not miraculously protected me.

I learned from this that the attacks do not even necessarily have to come from me stepping out from God's protective covering.  It could even be through someone that I am with.

But more prophecies about snakes kept coming.  Another one was that there was a black snake trying to gain access to my house.  It had tried the doors, the windows and any crack it could find but it couldn't go in.  So it went underneath the house and found a hole.  But just as it was about to go into the hole, a double edged sword was placed in the hole and the snake was not able to enter.  The sword represents the word of God and the Holy Spirit that should be on guard in my life 24 hours a day seven days a week.  If the sword is removed even for a second, that snake who is on stake out at that hole will slither in and do its destructive work.

Later on, I received another word that there is a hole in my life that the enemy would like to gain access through and it is a family member.  And so as the head of the household, it is my responsibility to continue to make sure that the word and the Spirit are being applied 24/7 in my family members life in order to protect not only him, but also myself and the other members of the household.

Then another prophecy came just a few days ago while I am in a different country for ministry. (even at the time of this writing)  Another black snake is in the shadows trying to hide.  I saw it and I was able to grab it and remove it, but what I didn't see is that it had already laid eggs.  Many eggs.  The purpose for the prophecy was to show me that snake eggs had been planted against me.  I discerned that they were seeds of discontent and little gossipy lies being planted by those who are jealous or who I may have rubbed the wrong way.  Some were there planted by others as a hedge or as a retaliation for things that had been exposed in their lives or ministries through prophetic means.

I was with a group of people including some from a team from the Philippines who were with me.  I said that I believe that this prophecy was referring to the Philippines where there are some who are against me that the devil is able to use because of openings in their lives.  Then one person said, "yes, but it's not just in the Philippines, it is here in this country as well." 

I didn't pick up on that in my spirit because ministry in this country has been really wonderful and I was not aware of any attack like this.  But then I got socked a few days later when it was revealed that I had stirred up a hornets nest...  or rather, a snakes nest.  But thank God for His warning so that my heart would be prepared for the attack.

How many of you know that when you go where God wants you to go and say what God tells you to say and do what God tells you to do, you're gonna get into some trouble?!?  Can I get a witness??  Amen!  :-)  He always is faithful to protect, lead, guide and He works in all of these things.  He is IN CONTROL!

The enemy is on a stake out just waiting for that moment when we might reach for something that we shouldn't or for us to get lazy for a moment and remove the protective sword of the word and the Spirit.  These are perilous times and the enemy isn't playing games.  he intends to steal, to kill and to destroy.  We must stay in grace, blessing, covering and we must stay in the word and walk in step with the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 26:41a (NIV) “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.”