Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Youth Mobilized --- Pray! Possible New Storm Coming.

It has been another amazing day of seeing volunteers come out mostly from our youth who have no school until next Monday! The majority of the workers are victims themselves who are focused on helping others! Our Church building in San Juan, a section of Metro Manila is now a center for assimilating food, clothes and other items for distribution to flood victims. Our members then make deliveries into the neighborhoods either by car, morcycle, bicycle or wading into some of the areas still dealing with stubborn water. There are no more refugees at our buildings because people have gone back to their homes to clean while protecting from possible looters... it's amazing that even damaged things can be stolen in this kind of environment. When I say clean, in many cases I mean shovel dirt mixed with "you know what" from the sewers out of their homes.

Stores have tripled up on security. When I left one grocery store yesterday, they checked every item in my bags against the receipt and asked to see my ID for my credit card purchase. They had never done that before in this particular store. You can imagine the number of lost wallets and purses in the city and how this has spiked credit card fraud.

All of our people are experiencing fantastic results as those they have been witnessing to for years are responding with grateful attitudes for the help. I can't even keep up with all of the powerful praise reports but I can report that the Kingdom of Light is enlarging by the minute! Praise God!

I want to thank all of you who have been sending the Western Union and bank transfers. I keep getting messages from people apologizing that "it's not much" or "we wish we could do more." Guys, even the $40 amounts are of great help and are being used mightily to touch lives! May God bless you amazingly as you are making these enormous sacrifices and contributions!

If you look up the 10 day weather forecast on line for Manila, you will see that starting now, the prediction is for scattered thunder storms all the way through. The local weather stations are saying that it could be another tropical storm. Have you ever tried to pour water into a full sponge? That is what would happen right now if the skies were to burst open. This city is a full sponge with much of it below sea level. For those of you who remember your science classes on the matter, that means that excess water has no natural place to go. It wouldn't take rains as bad as we had to make things worse then they were.

Prayer changes weather and prayer saves lives! Please pray and if you have been praying, please pray some more! Thank you for your tireless effort!