One of the biggest sad issues that I am constantly reminded of as I navigate through life and ministry is that even though the Holy Spirit is constantly moving, speaking and prompting, the vast majority of Jesus followers are not in tune with Him. Either they aren't listening or their spiritual ears are clogged or both. But the amazing thing is that many of them are true believers, dedicated, faithful, committed, worshipful. The amount of hurt, waste and opportunities missed is staggering to consider. If we would only be in step with the Holy Spirit, (Galatians 5:25) the state of the Church, the world and of the lives of believers would be much better! We would be on course with God's destiny for us!
So what is the solution?!? Actually, we could write books of solutions, but today I want to emphasize just one truth that I believe, if it is embraced, will help each one of us.
Isaiah 30:21 -- Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
This is an amazing revelation from scripture. It means that we literally cannot outrun the voice of God in our lives. No matter how far off course we get or how far ahead or how far behind, the voice of God will speak to us. And of course we know this is true because nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39). And because we are His sheep and we do hear His voice (John 2:3).
Oh, and please don't get me started about all the false teachings that use Romans 8 in a wrong way, implying that you don't need to respond to God's love in obedience. Just because you are not separated from His love does not mean you don't need to walk in His love. Jesus says, you love me if you obey my word. (John 14:24) To not obey His word is to not be in His love. It is available, you are not separated from it, but you are not benefiting from it without obedience.
So how can we hear? Listen for God's voice. You have to actually listen for it. God's voice is not normally going to break in on you. (interrupt) If you are busy, distracted, absorbed, consumed, uninterested, deceived (wrong doctrine), etc, than you will not be listening for His voice. Note that the scripture says His voice calls to you from behind you. He does not block your path and say Stop! Go this way! Instead, He leads you from a place of gentleness and gives you choice. If you are to be led, you must listen for the voice of your Leader.
We all know the Christian catch phrase that "the Holy Spirit is a Gentleman." That, by the way is not a scripture but it is a generally accepted statement backed up by scriptures. It means that He does not force Himself on anyone. He usually waits to move, to be asked. In the application of our main text today, it means that He seldom raises His voice.
Which leads me to my final thought. In 1 Kings 19:12, when Elijah was waiting to hear from God, God was not in the strong wind, He wasn't in the earthquake and He wasn't in the fire. God wasn't forceful or loud. God was in the "Gentle Whisper!" Some of you may know the term "still, small voice" used in some translations.
My advice? Quiet down. Settle down. Listen for the Gentle Whisper. Listen for that loving voice that comes from behind you. He is willing to help you to get back on track! He wants you to walk His path and fulfill your purposes!