At Tabernacle of Faith International (TFI) in the Philippines, we recently conducted our annual Missions Convention. This is a time in which we gather all of our Pastors from around the Philippines and invite those from all congregations who are able to attend, for a week of inspiration, training, strategy and testimonies. It is wonderful when delegates from multiple congregations gather together. The Lord moved powerfully!
We also conducted a Teachers Retreat prior to this Missions Convention in which all of the incoming teachers for the Tabernacle of Faith Christian Academy (TFCA) meet at a camp site in order to unite, prepare, strategize and be inspired for the upcoming school year. School for TFCA started on June 14. It was also a powerful time in the Lord!
In both events, the unity I saw has given me an incredible amount of expectation that greater things are in store for both the school and for the Churches. We know from scripture and from practice that unity lends space for God to dwell among us! The theme for both the Convention and the Retreat was "Unity and Accountability," and we used the wonderful book written by Tommy Tenney, "God's Dream Team" as our main reference.
One of the main points which touched many of us is the fact that in order for there to be unity within a group of people, every individual must first acheive something that Tenney describes as "Individual Unity" or Personal Unity. Another way of saying this is that to accomplish peace in a group, the individuals coming together must first be at peace within themselves. Those that the scriptures call "double-minded" (James1:8) are not unified within themselves and therefore cannot be unified with anyone else since they are unstable in all that they do.
Another point is that to be unified in any group including a family, we must learn to never OVERPOWER people, but instead to EMPOWER them. Easier said than done, especially for those of us who like to move quickly (lack patience).
I remember a great lesson which my Mother taught me many years ago. I was a new Father and busy. My son Chad was in his asking "why" stage of life. Anything that I told him, he would respond with "why." It was driving me crazy and I even felt like it was disrespectful. I got to the point that I was telling him things like, "Because I am your Father and I told you so!" I was overpowering him. My Mom saw this and said, "Hunny, everybody deserves to know WHY you are telling them to do something." This includes kids, spouses, employees, co-workers, Church members... everyone that you work with. Knowledge EMpowers while bossing people around without explanation OVERpowers.
We must empower one another in all arena's of life in order to acheive peace, effectiveness and unity. Ephesians 6:4 encourages Fathers to not frustrate their Children, but instead to raise them up by training and instruction in the Lord. What a slam on us Parents who struggle with getting frustrated by our Children. The Word turns it around on us and tells us to not frustrate our Children. Wow! The Bible also tells us several times that without knowledge or understanding, people perish.
My prayer for myself and I would encourage you to make for yourself is this. "Father, help me to never overpower anyone in my life, but instead, to empower them through clear communication with a spirit of love, with respect and in unity." Amen!