I'm at a Caribou Coffee shop near Oak Brook, Illinois preparing for services this coming Sunday at Elim Christian Church... I'm reflecting on the goodness of the Lord pertaining to ministry and I was remembering the game of golf a couple of the guys from Eternal Life Assembly took me for in Malaysia a recently.
We had been given sandwiches as a part of the green fees and due to time, we elected to bring them on the carts rather than eating them in the clubhouse. At one hole near some dense woods, about a dozen monkeys chased our carts. It was obvious they knew there were sandwiches on board. When we stopped near the green (we had all placed some good shots), two of us grabbed a golf club in each hand and held the bandits off while the other made his shot. But there were too many and we did not want monkey bites. Some of them were as big as toddlers and they were aggressive... even growling while baring fanged teeth.
They got the bags of sandwiches and fought amongst themselves for the spoils. It was a great moment! It was yet another lesson that we must strategically pick our battles in life and battling with monkeys is definitely not worth it... at least not for sandwiches...