Ethan was riding in the back seat of the car again, his favorite place as we were going home from school. I'm certain he is the only Asian looking kid with a white driver in Manila...
He took up position where he could look me eye to eye in the rear view mirror and said, "Dad, I have something to tell you. I am the chosen one." I was so surprised, more by the serious look on his face then by his statement. I was trying to figure out what movie he got it from when he spoke again. "Dad, Jesus has chosen me to do things. He has given me power." I began to realize that the part about Jesus probably didn't come from a movie. The rest of the conversation was spent probing him about where he got that idea from. It turns out that he doesn't think he is the only chosen one, but he also doesn't think that there are many others.
Ethans words remind me of a scripture that is often quoted but hard to understand. Matthew 22:14 (NIV) "For many are invited, but few are chosen." This comes from the parable which Jesus shared about a King who prepared a banquet and those who were invited did not come. The King told His servants to then go out and invite just about anyone they could find. The parable further states that one of those who were brought in from off the street got in without wearing the proper clothing and was cast out. He then ends with this statement that many are invited but few are chosen. For my purpose in this post, allow me to simplify...
God has prepared His Kingdom for us and we have been invited to partake both in this lifetime and more importantly, eternally. He has given us His word which gives us clear direction and provision to join. Many have received the invitation but few have taken the necessary steps to be chosen participants. They either don't show up or show up not properly prepared.
It is important in order to gain the favor, blessing and even the salvation that God has provided for us to not only be invited but also to be chosen.
There is a different element to this that I want to explore and it pertains to those who already have assurance that they are saved... heaven bound through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
In the book of Haggai, the prophet made it clear through it's first 3 prophecies that all of God's children are blessed to some degree. I completely agree that anyone who has asked Jesus Christ to be their King is blessed. However, Haggai also makes it clear that it is possible to be "more" blessed then what you are. He explains that if we will build God's house, that we will receive increased blessings mostly in the form of our work being more productive. In today's terms, our businesses, jobs and investments will be more fruitful when we dedicate ourselves to building the Church. Haggai's audience were the people who under Nehimiah's earlier leadership had built the wall of the city after returning from the 70 year captivity in Babylon. They had acheived success in this and were enjoying living in nice houses but had neglected the Temple. In the 3 prophecies, Haggai addressed specifically, Zerubbabel the Governer, Joshua the High Priest and the people. God said among other things based on their obedience to the call to build the temple, "I am with you," "My Spirit remains among you," and "I will bless you."
But when the 4th and final prophecy in the book is given, it is specifically only for Zerubbabel. The nature of the message is completely different. Rather then talking about local issues, the Lord speaks of international issues. Nations fighting and falling and the hand of the Lord protecting Israel. And then God says, "I HAVE CHOSEN YOU." He further says that Zerubbabel will be like a signet ring on God's finger.
Out of all those people, God only chose the governer. Why? I believe that it is because the governer had concern beyond himself. He was not bound by his own selfish ambition to increase his personal family blessings, but he was concerned about the blessings for every family. God blessed everyone who would build His house, but God only Chose the one whose perspective was wide. Why not the Priest? I believe that it is because the Priest's concern was limited to the Temple. Can I say this? The same way most Pastors today are limited in their concern only to the Church they serve.
Pastors, Politicians, Business Owners, Employees, Church Members... If you want to be Chosen by God to have the authority and favor that being like a signet ring on God's finger would represent, you will have to look beyond the walls of your Church and start to care for, pastor an entire neighborhood, a city, a state, a nation and the nations of the world! Many are invited but few are chosen. It is time that we care about the prosperity and well being of everyone within our sphere of influence and not just our own family and fellow Church members. The level of influence God will entrust to you depends on your posture according to example of Zerubbabel. This is a man who ended up in the lineage of Jesus Christ because he was incredibly blessed!
It is good enough if you have normal aspirations to simply be a normal person or a normal pastor. But I hope this is not good enough for you! I pray that you will reach for influence, reach for the finger of God, reach to touch humankind and make a difference in this life for as many people as you possibly can! Then you will be able to say the same thing that Ethan is believing for his own young life with a slight adjustment: "I am a chosen one of God!"