From just a few minutes ago and near our housing subdivision in Pasig City, Steve followed a small funeral procession through streets that just a couple of days ago were waist deep but are now ankle deep. Normally, people like these who are following the funeral car would be dressed up. Either these folks have lost most of their clothes or they are simply dressed in shorts in preparation for more possible flooding as the next storm hits in the next few hours or they may be taking a route where they will wade even deeper. Passing me on the other side of the street at around the same time was a Unicef and Military convoy heading into the area this funeral procession just left.
I bought more supplies to send in to harder hit areas of Pasig because we received some more funds, but about half of what I was going for was sold out. No candles, no flash lights or batteries, no sardines... etc. But I was able to get some medicine and other non-perishable canned meats and vegetables.
The people of our Churches, Tabernacle of Faith International are on missions all over the city as you are reading. Mostly during the day but even at night because believe it or not, traffic is an issue getting to some areas and they are more accessable at night. We are praying with hurting people, nursing wounds and providing food and medicine. Thank you so much for your prayers and help!