Thursday, January 28, 2016

"You Are Like a Veggie Tale"

I preached in Singapore recently for a Church for a special week-end as they embark on their 49th year in ministry.  A "Sabbath's Sabath."  That's 7 times 7 and a very significant time leading into the Jubilee that the Bible speaks of where debts are canceled, slaves are freed, etc.  Exciting!

We had a wonderful and impactful time.  A few days later, I was still in Singapore, preparing to go to Jakarta for the next week-end of ministry.  One of the Church families invited me to an amazing dinner.

During the dinner, the daughter in the family asked me, "do you know Veggie Tales?"  I responded that I know Veggie Tales very well as my youngest son Ethan watched them for years, often in the car as I drove and so I know the sound of Veggie Tales more since I wasn't watching, but listening.

Then she said, "Did you know that you are like a Veggie Tale?"  Before I could answer, and because something got stuck in my throat at that very moment due to being startled, she further explained, "I'm not the only one who thinks so."

I was imagining the characters by this point... the tomato, the cucumber, and for some reason, even the annoying orange who is not even a veggie tale!  I said, "Which one do I remind you of?"  She told me that I don't remind her of one in particular...  she said, "all of them."

What I surmised is that after a service, after one of my times preaching, that she and at least one other person if not a small group, talked and decided that I'm not like Billy Graham or Francis Chan or Jentezen Franklin or Steven Furtick or like any of the other preachers that I wouldn't mind being thought of as similar to, but that I am like a Veggie Tale.  Hmmmmm!

That would be like telling a boxer that instead of them reminding them of Ali or Frazier or another one of the greats, you my friend are like a cartoon vegetable!  Wow!  Impressive!

As she continued to talk, I found out that this young lady (in her 20's) meant this statement as a high compliment.  She had only recently discovered Veggie Tales and now had become an avid fan of the series and was in the process of collecting everything she could get her hands on.

And so I started to feel better. Much better..  It was a compliment!

What she went on to say is that the way that I speak with enthusiasm and emphasis in a way that is understandable and interesting.  OK, that's pretty good.

After some introspection and discussion with the Lord about this, I have concluded that if God made me to shine for Him in such a way that I could be compared to a Veggie Tale, then so be it!

I thank God for His ways of helping us to keep perspective.  If all of us try to copy one person and one person alone, Jesus Christ, we will maintain our individuality of how we have been created and become the same in the ways that we are similar to Jesus.

The moral of the story is this.  I was exposed and wrong to have wanted, even in the back of my mind, to be compared to any other minister of the gospel.  I should only want to be compared to one person, Jesus Christ Himself!

Now if someone does seem to think that I remind them of some-one or some-thing along the way, as long as I'm trying to be like Jesus, well then, I suppose that is OK...

Ephesians 5:1-2(NLT)
Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. 2 Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.

The Risk of Caring for Hurting People

Ministry, at least for some including me, is kind of like being a warden on a wildlife preserve.  You are there serving because of a deep love for beasts that in an instant can rip you to shreds with one claw, let alone two paws full.  With compassion, you do your best to protect them from poachers and help them to have the best lives possible while at the same time are careful not to be devoured by them.  Tranquilizer guns are often used against an attacking animal so as not to kill it while defending yourself from sure death.

I like the often told fable of the Lion with the thorn in his paw that he couldn't get out on his own.  A human comes along and risks his life to get it out.  Can you imagine the increase in the pace of your heart beat if you were to take on such a task?  To remove a thorn from a Lion's paw, a paw that is almost the size of your head?  You would have to be wondering as you are getting that thorn out, if the Lion will respond with thanks or will he turn on you and snuff your life out?!

I suppose that the answer is that the reaction will depend on which Lion you happened upon!  It could go either way and it is a risk!

I've had all reactions.  There have been people who I have helped to deal with the situations in their life respond with gratitude, others have responded with indifference and some have turned on me to try and kill me. Some have done two or even all three over a period of time!

Love has to be the motivation.  Love so strong that a person is willing to lay down his life for that one who is in need even if the one to attack you is the very one you are helping.  This kind of love is only possible when our love is made complete by having a true love relationship with Jesus Christ.  A love with Jesus that is so strong that it comes from our marriage to Him and our shared love for others with Him.  Many are called to care, but few are chosen.  There are several reasons why and this is one of them.

Sometimes when I have been beaten, bruised, dishonored and attacked, I want to play it safe... withdraw... put up a wall.  But then I find that I become ineffective in ministry.  Thorns stay in paws, people remain harassed and the enemy is not deflected.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't be careful.  Of course, a tranquilizer gun is a necessary accessory and if a person has been identified as one who is definitely going to try to destroy you, then you should not place yourself in their line of fire.  But we do need to be willing to get as close as possible to those in need, to spend time when it's not convenient or fun.

We do have to be willing to take calculated and loving risks.

In our Church in Manila, our theme song for the year is "Spirit Touch Your Church."  One of the lines says "I want to care for others, like Jesus cares for me."

John 15:13 (NLT)  "There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."

Jesus laid down His life for His friends.  That means those who would obey His Word.  That means those who would have a personal relationship with Him and spend eternity with Him.  But He did it for everyone even before they were His friends.  We need to be the same way.  Lay our lives down for those who will become friends of Jesus.