Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Child Like" Faith

I was on a small plane for a short flight recently when we were hit with violent turbulence. I felt like I was in a toy plane being tossed about in a hurricane. All of the adults were white knuckled with intense looks on their faces. A little girl about 4 years old sat across the aisle from me with a look of glee on her face. She grabbed her seatbelt like they were reigns to a bucking bronco and began to shriek with reckless delight as she rode the waves. It was better to her than a trip to Six Flags or Disney. What a great example of what it means to have Faith Like a Child. Not only to know that Jesus will see us through the storm, but as much as is possible, to actually enjoy the storm as well. So I decided right then and there, no matter what is going on, to grab the reigns, put a smile on my face and let out a good "yee-ha!" Come on everybody! Jesus is in full control!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Gary Wilkerson interview

This is an interview with Gary Wilkerson back in 1985 which I think lends really great insight to ministry. He is the son of David Wilkerson. The source link is