This year I am focused on the fact that with only a few hours left before Jesus was arrested, He spent time doing those last minute things which He knew would be most important. With days to go, He cleansed the temple. With hours to go, He washed the feet of His disciples.
John 13 tells us that Jesus, knowing that God had put all things under His power and knowing that He had come from God and was returning to God got up from the meal, removed His cloak, put on a servants apron and began to wash the feet of His disciples. Verse 1 explains that Jesus was about to show them the full extent (full measure) of His love. Some versions say that He "loved them to the end."
Peter didn't react well and told Jesus that he would never allow Him to wash his feet. I'm glad that Peter did this so that we could get the explanation from Jesus. Jesus said, "unless I wash you, you have no part with me." (NIV vs. 8b) Peter further reacted and asked Jesus to then wash his hands and head as well, but Jesus further explained that it is not necessary to wash in full, someone who is already clean.
I have had my feet washed in a public ceremony and I find it very uncomfortable. Once, it was by a Pastor who I respected very much who was senior to me. How much more uncomfortable would it be if it were Jesus Himself?!
Receiving ministry from Jesus has never been comfortable for me. Responding to an altar call in a Church, being gently (or harshly) rebuked by a friend who was sent by God, confronting my wrong attitudes and sin during times of prayer... All very uncomfortable! I don't enjoy it at all!! I don't like it when it is in private and I don't like it even more when it is in a public setting.
But I need it. Jesus said that unless I allow Him to wash my feet, that I have no part with Him. Wow. Oh my!! He told the disciples after He had cleansed their feet that they should wash one another's feet. That they should conduct ministry to one another. But they could not do that unless they had first had their own feet washed by Jesus.
For a ministry person, ministering to others is much easier than receiving ministry. And that is one of the pitfalls we must avoid at all cost. Otherwise, His blessing will not be on our efforts and we will have no part with Him, possibly even to the point of losing our place in eternity.
You cannot wash someone's feet who is not willing. We must submit ourselves to His cleansing process, even though we like Peter, are already washed and clean. And the hardest one is that we must take the time. They only had hours left... There is always something very important on our plate... But Jesus showed them that there is nothing as important as an intimate cleansing from Him.
Let us submit ourselves to Him and allow Him to minister to us intimately. Even if it is through the ministry of another person that He sends. Then we will be able to Have a Part with Him and we will be able to do the same for Him in the lives of other people.
Have an amazing Easter everybody!!