Monday, June 29, 2009

A Smiling Leader

At a time when Job was suffering and reflecting on how wonderful things were in the past, he made statements which give insight into what it means to be a great leader. We of course know that after Job passed through his trials that he received multiplied blessings and undoubtedly became an even greater leader to his generation.

Job 29 (The Living Bible)

21-25 "Men and women listened when I spoke, hung expectantly on my every word.After I spoke, they'd be quiet, taking it all in.They welcomed my counsel like spring rain, drinking it all in.When I smiled at them, they could hardly believe it; their faces lit up, their troubles took wing!I was their leader, establishing the mood and setting the pace by which they lived. Where I led, they followed."

He was remembering how people used to listen to him and would quietly consider his words, drinking them all in. A leader will always be a person of few but relevant words. Not always blabbering about this and that therefore cheapening the impact of their words. And a leader is comfortable with silence after speaking. The goal of speaking words of wisdom is not to be complimented or to perceive excitement on the part of the listener, therefore making the speaker feel good about themselves, but it is to come to a place where those words can be welcomed, internalized and expectantly considered. From my wonderful Pentecostal heritage, I have to be careful when preaching not to call for an “amen” too often and remember that silence is not only not a bad thing, but a good thing. When the people of God “ponder,” this can be effective.

And then Job mentions the SMILE. When a leader smiles, it is a breath of fresh air and it should come not only at expected times, but also at unexpected times. When a person comes to a leader and shares a problem, what they need to know more then anything else is that everything is going to be OK! Their troubles take flight when they see the faith, expectation, stability and acceptance in the leader.

Job understood that one of the greatest responsibilities of the leader is to establish a better and more productive mood (environment or atmosphere). Setting the pace by which they lived means that he was involved in their lives and led by example. This setting of a pace brings stability not only to avoid burn-out, but to keep things moving. And because of the consistency and the care and the great mood changing faith filled attitude, where he led, they followed!

Let’s review:
- We should listen more than we speak and we should make our words count by making sure they are timely and Bible based.
- Smile! We should develop our ‘smiling ministry’ to the point that it changes the environment of any given situation by adding to the faith of and inspiring that person we smile at!
- Intentionally establish a better mood and lead by setting a better pace everywhere we go!

Monday, June 22, 2009

99% Hopeless?

I was listening to probably the best Fathers Day sermon I have personally ever heard at the Bonita Valley Community Church given by Senior Pastor Jeff Brawner yesterday. You really should check it out. Bonita Valley is the Church that Chad and his wife Krystal attend in Chula Vista, just south of San Diego proper. It is a fine example of an A/G Church which has embraced multi-media and the future of relevant ministry to this generation while maintaining its unique "A/G'ness"... Hard to do for most of us because change is tough...

Anyhow, we preachers when we listen to another sermon while at the same time as absorbing that good word often come up with numerous thoughts of their own. Well, wait a minute, it's not just preachers. I know this because many times, people come up to me to ask me about points in the sermon which I just preached which I don't recall making. The Holy Spirit has a way of taking a message given one way to 100's or 1000's and sending it out as many ways as there are people in the audience. Awesome!

One of the scriptures quoted (Gen 17:1-2) reminded me that Abram was 99 years old when God spoke to him an additional time (there were 7 times total all pretty much guaranteeing him the same thing). 99 years old! Abram had certainly taken the long road to fulfillment of his promise and it was mostly through many instances of partial obedience and even getting down right side tracked several times.

I found myself in that service at a place I have been many times before. I was feeling 99% hopeless in many ways. It was Fathers Day and I am a worried Father as I know many of you are and I can plainly see my faults (a good thing). I am in the process of raising funds for our next assignment in the Philippines and this is not a good economy for that... And every other missionary I know is either having trouble raising funds and they are losing funding as well. One I spoke with recently lost 3 supporters last month, 2 of which had been with him for more then 20 years!

Now I know that 99 years old does not translate to 99% of Abram's life, but to me, I was at a point where I was holding on to that 1% bit of hope inside of me. That hope which is grounded in the prophetic promise of God, knowing that I am being obedient and remembering what He has done for me in the past. I had to grab hold of that "Mustard Seed" 1% and allow that reality to overwhelm the 99% human vision reality once again. At my most basic level of understanding of the spiritual warfare that rages in my brain, I have to view the positive and the negative, the godly and the ungodly as a light colored dog and a dark dog battling it out. The only way to win? Feed the good dog... Starve the bad dog out!

Men! And ladies too! Let us hold on to the promise... Hold on to the little bit which can conquer the negative majority and stand on the Word of God!

As for me and my house, as long as we trust in the Lord and do not lean on our own understanding, as long as we acknowledge Jesus in all of our ways, I know that I know that EVERYTHING is gonna be great!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Helicopter, Wave Runners and Lifeguards

Today was a great day! Chad, Krystal, Joy and I went out to La Jolla (not far from South San Diego where they live), which is a very nice place for a variety of reasons including surfing, sun bathing, playing in the sand, swimming and even looking at breathtaking houses which in turn are occupied by people looking at the breathtaking views whenever they want.

At one place we stopped, we climbed down the rock formations to the beach and then Chad and I went into the waves. There were at least 100 surfers out and a few dozen people close to the shore either just enjoying the waves or body surfing. Chad and I being the good swimmers that we are ventured out a bit further then most, but others were there as well. I remember looking around and seeing two lifeguard posts, two different wave runners moving about with life guards on them and even a helicopter patrolling, looking for those who may be in peril. My thought was something along the lines of "what a safe beach!"

It wasn't but a few minutes later that I began to panic as I was sucked under in a big swell and I didn't come up for air for over a minute. And even then, I couldn't get a lung full of air because I would have inhaled salt water in my desperation. The waves kept coming, literally crashing on me and I was stunned. I noticed that I had come up away from Chad or any other swimmers. I started power swimming towards the shore but it seems like the more I tried, the more I was being dragged out and down the beach. I realized that I was actually heading towards rocks and if I got much further down, I would be body slammed on the rocks and if I didn't drown, I would probably be killed by hitting my head.

I was running out of energy. My 4 minute battle was taking it's toll because every muscle in my body was fighting for my life. I was about at the end. Let me inject a little background here. I was the guy who could go back and forth twice in an Olympic sized swimming pool under water and never come up for air. I would surf treacherous waters with my brother and others daily in Hawaii as a teenager. My formerly good ability to read waves and physical confidence deceived me. I suppose that at 40, I'm not quite in the shape I was at age 15. Maybe some of you can relate?

It was at that moment that I saw a lifeguard standing with his equipment in hand looking right at me. It was weird, but even though I was in a panic, I was embarrassed. Something inside of me didn't want to be saved by somebody else... especially a bronzed 19 year old with a washboard belly and a chest that stops female traffic.

But I realized that I needed the help. I could die. Two more waves like the 50 or so that had got me to where I was and I would have been done. I raised my right arm in the air and cried out, "HELP ME!" Just then, another wave crashed over me and brought me out in the opposite direction of the rocks and my feet landed on the sand. I hadn't felt the sand under my feet in awhile and it felt good! The lifeguard who was already knee deep in the water stopped and returned to his perch when he saw that I was alright. I'm not sure he would have made it in time anyway. I know that my God heard my cry for help even though I had directed the cry to the lifeguard. It was a miracle because how I landed after that wave took me made no sense whatsoever.

A stranger who had seen what was going on but was helpless patted me on my back as I made my way to the shore and he said "it's good to have you back." I went and collapsed on the towel beside Joy and she picked strands of seaweed out of my hair while I panted. I didn't catch my breath fully for at least 15 minutes. It was like I used to feel after competing in long distance running. I was thanking God with every breath!

What did I learn? The presence of people who can save you is not an indicator that it is safe, but often a reminder that there is danger. How often can I relate that to the Church. Sometimes the presence of those who can help has given me a false sense of security. And while I was fighting for my life I was embarrassed, almost too embarrassed to cry out for help?!? How pride filled can I be? Crazy! I thank God for saving me today and for this reminder.

One last thing... Please be safe this summer! Especially you middle aged men like me! Let the youngsters who still have bodies with single digit body fat have their day in the sun! Stay in reach and use a water proof spf 50 or above sun blocker!

Monday, June 15, 2009

"I Am an Artist!"

During the final session of the Worship Arts Conference with one speaker to go, the worship leader initiated a moment in which he encouraged everyone to pray silently and allow God to speak to us about everything we had received over the course of the 3 days. I sat down, closed my eyes, cleared my thoughts from worry and busy-ness and then spoke a statement which came through my thoughts and from my lips and completely startled me.

“I am an artist.” I sensed the Spirit of God come over me like a wave at that moment. For those of you who know me, you understand that I like that kind of thing which explains why I said it again but this time with more emphasis... “I am an ARTIST!” Another wave broke over me and this time almost knocked me off of my seat.

I had agreed to come with my wife Joy although an Arts Conference is not what I would normally desire to attend, especially at Willow Creek. Leadership YES. Arts NO. And so I drove my wife and brought my computer to their incredible and wireless internet friendly facility to half listen to the sessions and half work on my many projects. Can any of you guys relate?

Evidently, much of what I was observing (in the surroundings) and hearing (from the teaching) was sinking in. Here are a few highlights:

- An observation... the Churches that I have come up in have been limiting the Holy Spirit. We speak in tongues, sometimes even interpret those tongues, prophesy, operate in most of the Biblically listed and even many unlisted gifts, and yet we have neglected, often even scorned the arts. I was surrounded by people many of whom don’t speak in tongues, but they allow themselves to be moved by the Spirit of God to a Creativity which when expressed wins the lost of this new generation.
- The Worship Arts keep us in that place of “Wonder” so that we will be continually impressed with God, not losing the fire of our salvation. Celebration re-connects us with the life we love... the better reality.
- Bob the Tomato from Veggie Tales (Phil Vischer) presented his story of how his pride and drive for more and more (described in short form that he wanted to be like a modern day Walt Disney) lead him to professional ruin by essentially losing his dream ministry. Thankfully I also heard him describe how God brought him back to even greater fulfillment. But the big lesson for me came by way of a CS Lewis quote in his testimony. “He who has God and something has nothing more then he who has God alone.” The point? God allowed what is probably the single most impacting children’s multi-media ministry in the history of the world so far to be taken from Phil in order to ultimately get him where he needed to be in his personal relationship with Himself. The ministry didn’t matter nearly as much to God as the minister. Wow! Get your mind around that CS Lewis quote and allow it to completely rock your world!
- Darlene Zschech described her journey of letting go of her position in order to pass it on to the next generation. Hello!?! Joel Houston is now the Creative Director for Hillsong Church. She didn’t have to do that but she did for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Amazing! And she still sits in the services and keeps her mouth zipped because she actually passed the mantle on willingly... She said that she asked God go give her a picture of what her life is supposed to look like and God showed her that she is a bridge for the next generation to walk across. Face down with people walking over her. That’s glamorous isn’t it? No, it’s the opposite of glamorous. It is humble and yields amazing results for the Kingdom of God in reaching the next generation.
- Ian Morgan Cron who wrote the amazing book “Chasing Francis” opened my eyes to Contemplative Spirituality, which means a contemplative way of seeking communion with God (my definition). He told us that art is speaking in tongues. I agree with that in the non-physical definition of what it means to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you in a way that reaches everyone as the Spirit did on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. Absolutely! He said that art arrests us when words fail. He said that we live in a God Crammed, God Drenched universe (the Bible says it too) and that our job as artists (yes I am calling myself one now) is to “Say Clearly what others Feel Vaguely.” Amazing! He said that Christianity is not something that you do but is something that gets done to you. He encouraged us to read Pope John Paul II’s message to artists. Google it and it is there and it is amazing! That Pope in his lifetime spoke to us about the “beauty that saves.” He further explained that people who try hard to be Christians are like people who tape fruit to a tree. He then quoted Mark Twain who said “they are good in the worst possible way.” He said that you will know when you are growing in your spirituality when you begin to co-experience life with God. The goal is not to ask for something or to give something, but to live in the Kingdom of God which is already at hand with Him. The rest flows naturally. He then led us in a discipline which included candles, music and silence. I had never been in a meeting like that before in which I experienced the manifest presence of God all over me led by an Anglican Priest! Unbelievable!!!
- There were many other great moments as well brought to us through awesome presenters such as Nancy Beach, Nancy Ortburg and Chip & Dan Heath who wrote the book “Made to Stick” teaching us how to present sticky ideas for maximum impact.
- Then the final speaker came up immediately after my epiphany that “I am an artist.” It was Efrem Smith, the Pastor from Minneapolis teaching a session on “The Wonder of Beloved Worship.” He allows many art forms in his Church including grafitti. Huh? What does that look like? I guess I’ll have to go to his Church to find out. He and others recognized that the Hip Hop culture was a cry from a fatherless generation and they strove to give art a place in the Church where art which comes from brokenness could be replaced by art which comes from belovedness. I know you don’t probably get that right now, but let it start to sink in... It was his closing that got me the most. He described an animal, the African Impala and how it has the ability to jump as high as 13 feet and as far as 30 feet. Lion’s typically cannot catch one. But that interestingly, zoo’s can contain them with an initial 3 foot wall. They won’t jump over a 3 foot wall? They have the ability but they won’t do it. Why? Because they won’t jump unless they can see where they will land. Efrem then asked us what little barrier is holding us back and he encouraged us to jump by faith!

I am an artist. What is my art? My art is not drawing though I wish it were. It isn’t producing movie clips (though I really really wish it were). It is song to a point, but I doubt that I will be the featured lead singer on an album. An album shouldn’t be the point should it? Worshipping live, I know that when I use my gift of song that it touches people. It speaks clearly what is often vague to others and it accomplishes much. But even more then singing a song, it is words. Words to teach, words to preach, words to write... books, articles, notes of encouragement, songs... whatever God had in mind for me from before He formed me in my Mothers womb. What is it for you? What do you do that touches people?

I can jump and I must jump! I must learn to do better not for a result or a reward, but because it is what God designed me to do and I must do it to co-experience this life with Him more and more. To jump, I must take my own advice that I have given on several occasions. I remember saying to one person, “Don’t write a book for an audience or to sell, wondering if it will become a success or not. Write it for you! And even if nobody ever buys a copy, become the better person you are supposed to be for having gone through the process. Do it for the Lord and get that thought which is precious inside of you, out... It will touch somebody someday somehow... The results are up to the Lord.” I should have listened to my own advice sooner.

Jump Steve! Jump reader! Don’t worry about the landing, just jump over that little hurdle in front of you and get ready to be surprised at what God will accomplish through your obedience. You are an artist! Put the website up for you. Write the blog for you! Make the film for you! Draw the painting for you! Record the song for you! Design the card for you! Sing the song for you! And most importantly, do it for God because it is God who designed you to shine for Him! And it is a great thing that when you aren’t worried about results, God will use that humility... He always chooses those who don’t want to be out front to be out front. Why? Because they will give Him all the glory and all the honor and keep none of it for themselves. JUMP!!!

You will be seeing more coming from me (if you look) because I am determined to be an artist for God. To make clear that which is vague. To be His agent in this world completely at His disposal, scattering Kingdom seed, the message of the Kingdom everywhere and whenever I can in the most creative ways that I can, leaving the results to Him. Can I look for you to shine as well? In a very real way to me, it seems that one of the fronts of the war we are in as soldiers in the Kingdom of God is that Christian Art needs to overwhelm any other art that does not bring glory to God. This call is a responsibility. Shine for Him now and forever! Amen!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Ash Trays at the Church Door

Ready for some controversial talk? :-) My favorite kind! Especially because I believe it will take much talk like this to provoke the world wide Church to make the changes necessary to become relevant once again. Ok Ok... You know where to E-mail me since I don’t make room for public comments on my blog...

On my way into the Willow Creek Community Church today, I went to throw away a paper cup and noticed the numerous ash trays near the trash containers. Not only could a smoker extinguish their cigarette, but there were choices with a nice looking presentation. These ash trays might as well have been a sign, “Smokers Welcome.” Awesome! What kind of a Church would we have if smokers weren’t welcome??? (I’ll let you answer that...)

In the tradition of my upbringing, this would have been unthinkable and writing this article probably equally unthinkable. After all, “some things just shouldn’t be mentioned.”

A friend of mine leads an ethnic congregation of which the majority of the attendees smoke like chimneys. I have preached for him on many occasions and I have noticed among others, even the ushers and elders going out for a quick smoke in the middle of the service and then slipping back in. After the service, the nicotine smell would get all over my hands from the hand shaking and I would use a liquid gel before touching my steering wheel in the car. In this particular ethnic group, the average age when a young man would begin smoking with the full consent of the parents is around 12 years old. (This is not a large ethnic group in America) It’s a big problem for them and many die prematurely either directly or indirectly because of smoking.

They were renting a facility from another Church and suddenly were told to leave. There was no changing the verdict from the Pastor of the Church because he had been humiliated. His attendees had discovered cigarette butts in the bushes and on the side-walk. Oh no!!! How could this be?!? Then it happened again at the next Church they rented. Wow! Smokers are definitely not welcome... especially littering ones.

Personally, I am anti-smoking but I am not anti-smoker. Even if I was not a Christian, I would be an anti-smoking advocate because smoking is a scientifically proven method to kill yourself slowly and sometimes not so slowly.

There are many things I don’t like about my childhood religious tradition, especially things which repel people from the Church which is precious to God. Would you appreciate a couple of other examples? Gladly!

I don’t like it when Churches carry arrogant names. “Full Gospel Church” is an example. Are the others half gospel? 80% gospel? While I agree that we want to be involved in Churches that operate with the fullness of what is available as presented in the gospels, do we need to loudly “toot our own horns?” Let me ask this... Have you ever actually found a Church that is operating at the 100% Full Gospel level? Another one is “First ________ Church.” Now I know that this is not in reference to being the best or the number one, but what significance is it that yours was the first Baptist or the first Assembly of God Church in your city? Is that the identity that best captures your Church vision or flow? Does that name draw people in?

So back to the main point, Ash Trays. What message are we to present? Without ash trays we are saying “smokers not welcome.” With the ash trays we are saying “smokers welcome.” The ash trays also say “it’s ok to smoke even just outside the door.” Some might argue that the ash trays imply that God won’t supernaturally deliver someone from their addiction to nicotine.

Have you been to one of those prayer meetings when a person gives a powerful testimony at just the wrong time? Let’s role play...

Bob: “Please pray for me. I have been trying to quit smoking for 10 years and I’ve been saved for 12 years. I’m giving it one more go starting this week and I’m using a new product to help me in this process.”
Chuck: “I used to be a smoker, but the day I received the Lord, I never had the desire for nicotine ever again. God delivered me instantly. I don’t think you need anything but prayer with more faith.”

While I know many who have received instant deliverance, I know many more who needed to struggle with the process of getting free and it was God’s sovereign will for it to happen in that way. Maybe Chuck would have been more sensitive if he had struggled a bit as well?

My decision? I want ash trays at the door of my Church. I want to welcome smokers and let God be God. As for those of you who have happened upon my article and you are screaming right now because you are convinced that smoking is a sin.... I would encourage you to put that chicken wing down right now because you are doing more then getting chicken grease and hot sauce on your grandson’s computer. You are damaging your body which is a ..... hmmm.... gluttony is a sin the last I heard.

The apostle John spoke of sin and sin that leads to death (1 John 5). We are to avoid all sins and break free. My prayer is that as we help others to break free from addictions such as smoking, that we in the Church also break free from sending unloving messages, judgment and gossip. I further pray that we would never send a message to pre-believers that they are unwelcome or not special or good enough to receive a quick miracle. I am personally much more concerned about the kinds of sin which lead to spiritual death. Sins which cause hearts to harden towards other people.

Let’s put some ash trays at our Church doors shall we? Thanks for the good example Willow Creek!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Willow Creek Arts Conference

Joy and I a excited! The 1st session of this years Willow Creek Arts Conference, "Wonder" will start in just a few minutes! Yes!

There will be many fantastic speakers and workshops topped off with a Hillsong Concert tonight! (if you are in the area, don't get too excited because the concert is sold out... sorry)

Tomorrow will conclude with a Charlie Hall worship concert and then there is more conference yet on Friday!

Joy and I then fly to Southern California first thing on Saturday for services and meetings there.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Back Home from Malaysia

The Church Camp that I just returned to Chicago after speaking in Malaysia for was incredible! This is just a quick note to everyone who was praying. Thank you so much for your support in the spiritual realm. May God bless you greatly for the work you conducted all for His glory!

One high light is that the Healing Rain struck again! On the night that the worship team and I introduced the the Healing Rain song (Michael W. Smith), the healing power of God consumed the place and several people later testified that they were completely healed by the Lord during that worship time! Awesome!